Saturday, November 7, 2009

This is me, evolving!

So the Halloween post was a trial run, compliments of my friend Steph Wilson who was here visiting this week from Arizona. Thank you Steph! Those of you who know me are gasping at the prospect of me creating and maintaining a blog. I know. And truthfully this whole process is itching like a too-tight all-wool blazer. It's true that I'm a determined advocate of pens, paper, envelopes and stamps, but as I was told in a training seminar before beginning a new teaching position at Arapahoe College last summer, "even the most techonologically resistant among us must, at some point, evolve." And so it is.

But I'm not going to give up on my traditionalist roots. I was thinking the other day about how after my cousin Joyce died of cancer two years ago I mailed a note to my Aunt Carol. She responded by saying that she appreciated my card enough to stick it in her box of "important letters and cards" that she keeps under her bed. I think we all need a box like that. I encourage those of you who travel to buy greeting cards and post cards as a remembrance instead of tacky knick knacks. I have a whole drawer full of cards that I send out every so often, not caring a whit if my friends and family are scratching their heads wondering when I was in Italy.

Beyond my grand scheme of technological evolution, the other reason for this blog is out of love and support for my dear Charie. She has asked me twice in the past six months to begin a blog so that she might catch a glimpse of the niece she has yet to meet. No one else in the world has had the gumption to make such a request, probably because I've done well at keeping other people's expectations of my computers skills very, very low. But sweet Charie has remained faithful, believing that it could happen, and so this effort is largely thanks to her.

PS- Over time you will be able to detect when my Gillespie family members have been over to visit because I'm waiting for them to help me fix up this blog and make it all fancy.


  1. Welcome! I'm the very first comment ever?!?!? That means I automatically win a copy of your first book signed by the author! AND, isn't it your turn to give me a call?

  2. Lauren! I can't beileve how big your girls are! we all miss you here!

  3. I'm so proud of you. You did a post all by yourself.

  4. Lauren... i love you! i love you! I LOVE YOU!!!! ☺ thank you oh so much for blogging! im so excited to be able to keep up with you guys a little better.
    ahhh! i cant wait for christmas time!!!! i miss you so much.


  5. I tend to be more of a reader and observer of blogs than a commenter, but I'm so happy you're blogging and wanted to tell you. It inspires me to update ours with better material and more frequency. If you can do it, maybe I can too! Can't wait to read more! Miss you so much. Talk this week?
    Julie R.
