Sunday, February 21, 2010

Calling Friends and Family Who Blog!

I am slowly becoming a blogger and reader of blogs. So I'm asking those of you who have invited me to view your blog in the past few years to re-invite me or send me your blog address. I'm updating my blogger address book i.e. I spent an hour tonight learning how to add other people's blog addresses as a gadget. This is big for me!


  1. I noticed we made the cut. Phew! Now, I'd love some clever Lauren comments left. Sure do miss chatting with you!

  2. Lauren,
    Our address is

    Thanks again for the soup party. It was so fun!

  3. So I just saw your blog on someone else's and have officially spent my allotted 20 min/day to read friend's blogs all on yours - it was so fun to read. so just wanted to let you know that I have you on my list, so don't say anything mean about me on your blog. like, that Erin Jensen, she can't cook worth crap and her house is one step away from tornadoville - but don't feel any pressure, with my 20 minute time limit, I don't get around to reading too many blogs these days:) Anyway, just wanted to let you know that you made me laugh today and I've already put an Elizabeth Berg book on hold at the library - love erin - that's our sorry, neglected blog:)
