Thursday, June 3, 2010

Riding in the Rain

Yesterday it rained all day. I absolutely love gray, stormy weather and so I hopped on a bicycle and headed down the beach. It was fabulous, and here are some of the reasons why:

Brightly colored sand pails and shovels were strewn all along the beach, left outside in readiness. I could almost imagine little kids, like my own, settled in front of the t.v., waiting impatiently for the green light to head back outside.

A crab the size of a softball scuttling sideways across the sand in front of me.

A row of six, banana yellow beach houses glaring defiantly through the fog.

A half dozen teenage boys surfing in the rough waters. Ironically they were situated directly in front of the only "No Surfing" sign on the entire beach. I loved that!

One lonely beach house with at least a quarter mile of open space separating it from other houses. The isolated house screamed "skinny dipper's paradise," but maybe that's just me.

One last thought: If you happen to be bicycling in the rain, and you think to yourself, "Hey, I'm already wet. Why not cruise through the surf?" you perhaps ought to think again. Bicycle tires tend to sink down in wet sand, requiring one to set their foot down in the water, and by extension causing said rider's tennis shoe to fill with salt water. Amateur mistake.


  1. You are the only person that ever got me to try skinny dipping! By the way, I'm still waiting for that email so I can invite you to my "private blog." (There's no skinny dipping going on there, though :)

  2. I love you Lauren! It looks fabulous! I hope that you are having a great time. It was so much fun to see you (even though you were sick). Have a great summer. We leave for Portugal next Friday!!!!!!
