Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The World According to Little People

I overheard Madeleine and Katherine scheming about how to raise more money to purchase ice cream from the friendly, neighborhood ice cream truck (a.k.a. The Beguiling, Snaggle-toothed Extortionist).

Madeleine: "If you lose a tooth, you should ask the Tooth Fairy for A LOT of money."
Katherine: "Like how much?"
Madeleine: "Not a hundred dollars. You'd never get that. But you could try for fifty."

A little while later, I overheard this totally un-related, but fabulous tidbit:

Madeleine: "My friend from school, Ashley, is getting a new step-dad."
Katherine: "Do you think Uncle James is a step-dad?"

1 comment:

  1. i always love listening in on little kids conversations!
