When I was growing up General Conference was synonymous with building elaborate blanket forts and inhaling junk food with my sisters. As a college student I watched conference with the single objective of spending hours sitting on the couch next to good-looking guys. Those are all good memories. But fortunately for my family, I have come to appreciate through the years how significantly General Conference weekend can impact my life. If I make the effort.
Over the years I have evolved from throwing Conference "parties," complete with specific food menus and guest lists, to doing the complete opposite. We do our best to drain our schedules of unnecessary or optional events, and plan ahead for meals that are yummy but not time consuming. The goal is noble, but the outcome is usually frustrating as the inevitable compromises are made. What we hope to have happen is to fall into bed Sunday night feeling completely rested, calm, and spiritually sated.
That wasn't quite how it happened last night. Jeremy had a major presentation due at work this morning, my dad came to town for the day on Saturday, and darn it, things never go as smoothly as you hope! As I sat in bed reading over the brief notes I had tried to make during conference, I picked out half a dozen points that felt directly applicable to my life. But what should be hopeful quickly felt overwhelming. Where to begin? Where to begin? Like usual I felt better this morning. Pick one, I told myself. Start somewhere, and don't forget you have six more months to work on these things. There are so many opportunities to start fresh and try again.
Hectic or not, I love conference weekend!
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