Don't tell Elisabeth, but we missed her birthday this year. In our defense, we spent the entire day traveling home from Hawaii and after our all-night flight and airport delays, we were in no shape to be celebrating. And in particular, I was in no mood to celebrate her turning two. Elisabeth didn't need a birthday party to make two years old official since everyone within ear shot of her screaming knows that she is terribly, terribly two.
So in lieu of a proper party and presents, we piggy backed on my nephew Dylan's ninth birthday. This year he told his mom the only thing he wanted for his birthday was to go to Aunt Lauren's house to go sledding and eat scones. So that is what we did.

You don't get fat cheeks by turning down scones!

I love Dylan! At nine years old he is already so great with the younger girls. We love having Dylan come over because he organizes fun games for the younger kids and they stay preoccupied and quiet for hours. But my favorite thing about Dylan is that he is a natural born entrepreneur. If there is money to be earned, Dylan will find a way. A couple of months ago I was at their house when Dylan asked if he could rake up "a few leaves" and earn some money. They agreed to pay him a dollar per bag. An hour later Dylan had ten bags of leaves tied up and waiting in the front yard.

Since we got home from our trip Elisabeth has colored the kitchen floor with black marker, rubbed chapstick in her hair right after her bath, and tossed an entire bowl of chicken noodle soup on the freshly mopped floor because it wasn't what she wanted for lunch that day. So, it somehow felt appropriate that she share her birthday with Dylan. After all, Dylan's mother reports that he might possibly have been the most hideous toddler in the history of the world, and look how nice he is turning out. Maybe there's hope.
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