Tuesday, April 20, 2010

England Versus America...in the kitchen

Our dear friends John and Karen Brogden, and their baby Parker, are here from England for two weeks. It has become our habit to happily debate the strengths and weaknesses of our two countries. It was all fun and games until John suggested that his recipe for traditional English trifle was superior to my all-American, chocolate fudge brownie trifle. So naturally, the disagreement demanded that we invite over a panel of "judges" and hold a trifle cook-off.

The only downside of the evening was that it ended in a tie! But I still maintain the stubborn Englishman took in some sympathy votes!

tri•fle: traɪ fəl, spelled [trahy-fuh l]
a dessert usually consisting of custard and cake soaked in wine or liqueur, and jam, fruit, or the like.
to pass time idly or frivolously; waste time; idle.


  1. Wow! I wish I could have been on that panel! John does get some points for presentation, though I'm sure yours tasted better :) How did he manage to get such a clean line between the custard and the strawberries on the bottom?? I'm off to bake some plain old brownies now. :)

  2. I just read your top five...it's the jello, I guess. That's cheating.

  3. ya! i'm so glad we got to be judges. the trifles were awesome.

  4. I really could have come in handy on that judging panel! I have a very discerning pallet and am not oppossed to rigging the vote (as you well know :)).
